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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a positive, forward-focused form of hypnotherapy. We do not dwell on the negatives or probems in your life, nor do we need to know how you got to this point – the fact that you are where you are is enough. So, there is no regression and going over old ground, like some therapies. We concentrate on your current situation and your preferred future (where you would like to be with the help of the therapy) to make positive changes in your life. 

Combining the best aspects of CBT, NLP, Humanistic therapy, hypnosis and psychotherapy, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy offers a well-rounded, scientifically-proven therapeutic model, which can help virtually any problem, no matter how small or seemingly large. It is a ‘brain based’ therapy, in which we teach you a little about how the mind works and the physiology of the brain. It is with this information and understanding that you will be able to focus clearly on how changes happen.

By utilising these methods, the therapist can help you develop coping mechanisms and tools to maintain a less stressful life. And, rather than telling you how you should be feeling, or what to do next, the therapist will help you find the solutions to your problems within yourself – meaning you're the boss and are always in control.

Solution Focused therapies are amongst the fastest growing globally, because they really do work. And don't just take our word for it – the proof is in the well-documented research, which you find easily online for yourself.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

The short answer is yes; anybody who is willing to be hypnotised, can be, although some people are more susceptible than others. While the level of hypnotic trance and responsiveness varies from person to person, the majority of individuals are capable of entering a state of hypnosis to varying degrees, given the right circumstances and techniques. You are in complete control at all times, so unless you want to go into a deeper state of trance, by relaxing and letting go, you won't. Hypnosis requires active participation and cooperation from the individual. Being open-minded, receptive and willing to engage in the process can enhance the likelihood of experiencing a deeper level of hypnotic trance and relaxation. People with a greater ability to imagine and visualise things in their mind may find it easier to enter a deeper hypnotic trance state, as these abilities can help the client following suggestions and create vivid mental imagery during hypnosis. It also helps to trust and have a good rapport with your hypnotherapist – feeling safe and comfortable always helps the process.

Is hypnotherapy safe?

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring, temporary and reversible process; hypnotherapy in a clinical setting is a completely safe technique and no harm whatsoever can come to you as you are aware of everything that is going on and are in complete control at all times. There is absolutely no chance of anyone becoming 'stuck' in a trance – a question I have been asked on a number of occasions. Indeed, trance is merely a deeper relaxed state and because of this, you have the ability to open your eyes and bring yourself round at any time.

During hypnosis, you are in a state of heightened suggestibility and focused attention. However, you always retain control over your thoughts, actions, and the ability to emerge from the hypnotic state. If for any reason you wish to end the hypnosis session or return to your normal state of consciousness, you have the ability to do so.

I am trained to guide clients into and out of hypnosis safely. At the end of a hypnosis session, I will provide suggestions or cues to help you emerge from the hypnotic state, return to full alertness, and integrate the experience.

It's also important to note that even if you were to fall asleep during a hypnosis session, you would naturally wake up after a period of time. Sleep and hypnosis are distinct states, and your natural sleep cycle will eventually prevail.

Does hypnotherapy work?

The short answer is yes – there are very few examples of hypnotherapy not being successful. And that's why hypnotherapy is so popular – and becoming more so all the time. Because it can fundamentally change your thought processes and patterns on a deep-rooted level via the subconscious mind, the changes happen naturally and permanently. Most clients find that they are surprised just how much the hypnotherapy can help with their general wellbeing, as well as the problem they bring to the therapy. 

Can you make me do something against my will?

No, hypnotherapy can not make you do anything you do not wish to do! It is just not how clinical hypnotherapy works. Everything we do within the sessions relies on trust. You will be aware of everything that happens within the clinic room and will be in control at all times – it is a myth that hypnosis is a form of mind control! The subconscious mind is a powerful thing and it always looks out for your best interests and, as such, if it's told to do something that it doesn't want to do, it will just ignore the suggestion. So, unless you are happy to act like a chicken and ask me to make that suggestion to you under hypnosis, there is no danger of you doing so!

During hypnosis, you are in a state of heightened suggestibility and focused attention, which can make you more receptive to suggestions from the therapist. However, you always have the ability to reject any suggestion that you do not agree with or that goes against your intentions. This is because hypnotherapy is a cooperative process. You are an active participant and you must be willing and open to the suggestions given during the hypnotherapy session, or it will not work. Hypnotherapy is typically used to help individuals achieve positive changes aligned with their goals, such as overcoming fears, reducing stress or improving habits and because the suggestions given are in line with what you want, they are accepted an acted upon by the subconscious.

If at any point during a session you feel uncomfortable, disagree with a suggestion, or want to end the session, simply tell me and I will address your concerns accordingly and immediately

Are the sessions confidential?

All sessions are completely and strictly confidential, under the NCH Code of Conduct and the Privacy Act 2008. Your notes are filed and locked away securely at the end of every session and nobody, other than your hypnotherapist, has access to them.

How long is each session?

Each regular hypnotherapy session is 60 minutes long.

The smoking cessation sessions are 120 minutes, as just one single session is needed in this case.

The relaxation sessions I offer are 40 minutes long, unless otherwise agreed beforehand.

How do I pay for my hypnotherapy session?

You do have the option of paying by cash, debit or credit card cash at the end of each session. Alternatively, we do accept BACS or PayPal. However, due to non payment of invoices in the past, the invoice will need to be paid in full before the session time.

What does the Initial Consultation involve?

We offer a free initial consultation, which usually lasts for around 60-90 minutes, however, we always ask clients to allow 90 minutes, as we like to make sure that you have all the information you need and are comfortable with the process, plus, we do not like to rush! During this time, we discuss the reason for your visit, what hypnotherapy is and how it can help you, exactly what to expect from each session and we will answer any questions you may have. It also gives you the opportunity to ensure you are happy to go ahead and work with us.

We are also now offering an optional

30-minute relaxation session at the end of every free Initial Consultation for just £25! 

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